Jeremy's Notes

The Reverie of a Techie


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You've stumbled across a blog that chronicles the interests of its author. You'll find technology how-tos, demonstrations, recommendations, and reviews. Stand by!

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Welcome to Jeremy's Notes

Jeremy's Notes provides a first-hand experience of setting up, living in and maintaining a smart home. Jeremy shares his professional and personal experiences in and around the IT world, which he integrates into many aspects of his home and life.

Recent Posts

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Setup on Windows 10

Penguin by Lars Meiertoberens from the Noun Project

This setup guide outlines the steps required to set up the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) feature on a Windows 10 workstation.


How to find files containing specific text in Linux?

Penguin by Lars Meiertoberens from the Noun Project If you would like to find a specific string of text within a directory of files, you can use the following command and example:

user@host:~$ grep -rnw '/path/to/directory/' -e 'searchterm'

Here's a breakdown of the example command and its parameters:

  • -r or -R will recursively (within directories) look at all files within the specified path.
  • -n will display the line number where the term shows up within each file.
  • -w Matches the whole word.



Blog by Neha Tyagi from the Noun Project This will be a short post…

I've finally reactivated the blog using the Dokuwiki wiki-based CMS. There are still a few kinks in the site that I'm working to finalize as soon as my time and life allow. I chose Dokuwiki because of its flat file-based storage, simple syntax, and wiki nature, allowing this site to be more of a knowledge repository than just a blog.


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start.1608661706.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/09 15:47 (external edit)